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Lejla Skopljak
Lejla Skopljak


Business entities that have incorporated corporate social responsibility into their activities most often present this to the general public as part of their annual report or as a stand-alone report on corporate responsibility. Reporting helps the business entity to clearly set goals and measure the performance and effectiveness of the implemented changes, and from the obtained results, are read data on the influence of the enterprise on the environment, society and economy. Publication of a wider scope of information about a business enables users of this information to make better business decisions, primarily on investments in certain economic entities and financing. Users want information that allows them to understand the business model, strategy, risks (including sustainability risks) and the corporate governance system. One of the more important goals of an entity when compiling and publishing a Corporate Responsibility Report is to increase the level of customer confidence in information about business entity. Through this communication with users, an atmosphere is created based on responsibility, openness, transparency, evaluation of results and commitment to the company.


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