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Edin Ramić ,
Edin Ramić
Amira Delić
Amira Delić


The reform process in Bosnia and Herzegovina is proceeding at a slow pace, as is Bosnia and Herzegovina's progress in the context of a European country. "Step back and forth two" is the most common epilogue of BiH's path towards European integration. The reason for the slow progress is primarily due to the poor political situation in the country, ie the inability of political leaders to agree on key issues. The political (in) stability of the country is one of the bigger problems in BiH. The parties in power do not offer a solution or make significant efforts, but rather hinder its European path and slow down the integration process. There is no institution in BiH responsible for guaranteeing investments by foreign investors, making it one of the countries with the highest political risk. In addition to the complex political structure, the problem of corruption and the informal economy also present the burning problems of BiH that must be addressed. It is crucial for BiH to establish a single economic market space, that is, to harmonize legal regulations. Despite the many brakes that have emerged on BiH's path to the EU, some progress has still been made. On February 15, 2016, BiH submitted a membership application, which was accepted at a session of the EU General Affairs Council, and received a Questionnaire in December. Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently the only Western Balkan country with Kosovo to have no candidate status


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