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Miodrag N. Simović ,
Miodrag N. Simović
Dragan Jovašević
Dragan Jovašević


Misdemeanor sanctions occur as coercive measures applied by the state as a representative of society towards the perpetrator of the offense and represent a reaction against the perpetrator for committing an offense that harms the society, that is, individuals or legal entities. Such a reaction is intended to prevent the offender from continuing to commit the offense in the future, as well as to influence other potential offenders to refrain from committing such acts. Although committing an offense violates or threatens the public order established by regulations, the application of sanctions does not, however, depend on the will of the injured individuals. The paper analyzes the system of sanctions that competent courts impose on individuals and legal entities as perpetrators of offenses. The subject of the authors' attention are the manner, conditions, duration and purpose of each of the prescribed sanctions in the law of the Republic of Serbia


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