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Traffic connection and modern transport infrastructure are one of the key factors of economic development. The need for everyday travel to citizens of different business goals, as well as ordinary daily or occasional migration of the population, have a significant impact on the mobility system. Creating a network of modern roads and developing smar...

By Sinan Alispahić, Šezad Hodžić, Hata Mušinović, Amila Duraković

Mathematics is all around us, affecting different aspects of our lives, although we are often not aware of it. Without mathematics there would be no technology, which means we would live in a very different world. Mathematics is the basis of all technical knowledge, and therefore also of maritime affairs. Mathematics as science as well as maritime ...

By Tatjana Stanivuk, Marina Laušić, Luka Bitunjac

The basic rule of corporate governance in the company is that ownership is separate from management, and equity, accountability and transparency in business activities are highlighted. Corporate social responsibility of business entities is already important today, and it is certain that in the future it will become even more relevant. Management s...

By Ibrahim Jusufranić, Rade Biočanin

Unmanned aerial vehicles are a new technology that continues to evolve and overtake its original military purpose. The implementation of modern navigation and communication systems has enabled practically unlimited use of drones in police, customs, scientific, geographic, agricultural, commercial and other purposes. Recognizing the potential of unm...

By Amira Delić, Emina Zekotić, Merima Delić

Regarding the segment of the judiciary, whose independence, impartiality, professionalism and unharmed integrity represents the sine qua non of the rule of law and legal and general security, at all levels, it is necessary to point out that Bosnia and Herzegovina already since the nineties and in accordance with its constitutional guarantees, is or...

By Sanela Latić

01.12.2019. Review article

Business entities that have incorporated corporate social responsibility into their activities most often present this to the general public as part of their annual report or as a stand-alone report on corporate responsibility. Reporting helps the business entity to clearly set goals and measure the performance and effectiveness of the implemented ...

By Lejla Skopljak

Modern urban mass passenger transport cannot be imagined without the use of information and communication technologies. Information technologies become irreplaceable in general informing of users, system of tickets and billing and other systems of public passenger transport. They also provide the ability for introducing uninterrupted and reliable s...

By Pavle Gladović, Nemanja Deretić

The managerial challenge of modern times is the replacement of orthodox management systems and identities, which are based on industrial civilization, the insecure world brought by postindustrial civilization. Modern technological, social and market changes require new managerial rules, different methods under different management systems and ident...

By Enes Huseinagić, Dženana Huseinagić, Nudžejma Huseinagić

Today, crimes directed against the property of other natural and legal persons prevail in the structure of national, as well as international crime, where individuals, groups and entire organizations commit their criminal activities lead by the intention to acquire illegal property gain. However, this is not enough, so these persons try to legalize...

By Miodrag N. Simović, Dragan Jovasevic, Marina M. Simovic

In the past decades, Republic of Macedonia on its way to the European Union has made significant reforms in the overall socio-economic, political, cultural and social system. The foundation of these European-oriented reform processes is human freedoms and rights, their promotion in practice and providing protection according to European standards a...

By Atanas Kozarev