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The permanent problem of entrepreneurship development is a difficult access to capital, the lack of private investment funds, inadequate regulatory framework for the banking sector, the aversion on approving loans and grants, and accounting standards do not make easier investment decisions. During the establishment entrepreneurs need start-up capit...

By Lejla Skopljak, Erma Heco

One of the initiative of the European Union is the efficient use of resources in Europe, which aims to increase the efficiency of the economy in the use of resources, increasing the use of energy from renewable sources, modernizing the transport sector and promotion of energy efficiency. Traffic as economic activity is an important part of the econ...

By Ibrahim Jusufranić

The main purposeof this paper isto provide alink betweentransport infrastructureandeconomical factors, with a focus oncontemporarycorridorsof the Western Balkans. In general, this paper describesthetheoryof transport infrastructureand itsclose connectionswith theeconomical system, also,the influenceon the market. With goal to comprehend this topic ...

By Alaga Zelkanović, Esma Hodžić

In the process of harmonization of the criminal law of the European Union Institute of European Public Prosecutor represents a high degree of harmonization of legislation in Europe. Combating crime involves strengthening mutual dialogue and actions by criminal authorities in the European Union. Attempts by the Union to build a single European area ...

By Selma Otuzbir

The position of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the transition process in order to become a member of the European Union is specific. Even if it's not her war-torn economy, at the end of that situation found itself in thankless position of the lost market in construction works, tourist services, cooperative cooperation in the metal industry, long jobs in...

By Alisa Salkić, Rajko Kasagić

All the technological revolution have enabled faster dissemination of information. The Internet is clearly, today, the fastest way to spread information in parts of the world which is available this technology. The eternal struggle for the market of ideas, information and products has always been crucial to the mass media. The process of technologi...

By Seid Jusić

Countres of the region West Balkan become recognized and are attratction for foreigner but also for domestic tourists as a touristic destination where is necessary efficiency on all levels of the authority, for the better and quallity way to create and advanced positive view of the West Balkan. It is important to indicate that the mentiond region h...

By Emina Herenda

01.12.2016. Review article

The primary economic goal used to be profit as a prerequisite for achieving the goals of growth and development. Since the 70s of the 20th century significant business goal becomes meeting the requirements of consumers, because informed consumers are becoming first and last link in the chain of any entrepreneurial activity, and firstly entrepreneur...

By Snjeţana Slišković

In conditions of globalisation and deregulation, banking business has become very risky. Turbulant environment especially apostrophized the meaning of managing the market risk – intrest rate risk, exchange rate risk and risk of changing asset price. Investors (banks) make decisions about modalities and risk managment techniques.The choice ranges fr...

By Husein Mehmedović, Goran Šijan, Nedina Moralić

Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR refers to the impact of companies on society, economy and role in sustainable development. Social Responsibility brings to enterprises many advantages if they are eligible for the right way. It is not a mere waste of resources or unnecessary investment, because of some kind of political correctness. In countrie...

By Ibrahim Jusufranić, Fatima Dervić, Lejla Varupa