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The constant need for the movement of goods and for providing services leads us towards finding the most favorable solution concerning the shortest routes and (or) lowest costs. For this reason, more attention should be paid to this important part of the transportation process. This paper presents a transportation problem as a special instance of l...

By Milan Stanković, Pavle Gladović, Dejan Bogićević

Development of traffic systems has led to increased costs of traffic which should be further reflected in increased traffic safety, environmental protection, less air pollution, increased quality of life for people in the cities, and general reduction of external costs caused by traffic. The necessity of protecting the environment from the pollutio...

By Velimir Kolar, Mirsad Imamović, Mario Jurin

Planning, Managing and projecting a transport system (especially intelligent transport system) signifies an extremely complex task. The large number of traffic and transport parameters is characterized by uncertainty, subjectivity, unprecision, and multisense. Every day the dispatchers, drivers, fly controllers, operators, passengers, engineers and...

By Abid Drobo, Almedina Hatarić

The Republic of Croatia is faced with a large number of road traffic accidents involving pedestrians, in the last few years. In order to reduce traffic accidents involving pedestrians, the Croatian Parliament adopted in 2011.a new "Law on Road Traffic Safety", which is compatible with the "National Program of road safety of the Republic of Croatia ...

By Darijo Šego, Nikica Božić

The research presented in this paper has been focused on the synergistic impact of the model for the traffic on the sustainable development of maritime tourism in the Republic of Croatia for the period 2012.-2018. The presentation of the mutual influence of the obtained growth rates of the model's variables has been aimed at a scientific formulatio...

By Vinko Vidučić, Maja Račić, Kristina Sladojević

A growing conflict among economy, ecology and ethics must be solved by a corporate social responsibility and a global consensus around vital issues for the survival of humanity. Integration of logistics functions in terms of reverse logistics has a significant contribution to the efforts aimed at saving the environment. Reverse marketing logistics ...

By Mimo Drašković, Slobodan Lakić, Veselin Drašković

The paper presents an approach in assessing the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from air traffic in the Canton Sarajevo, through the model based on Recommended Best Practice - RBP, which have been developed through collaboration between the agency the Federal Aviation Administration - FAA, Office of Environment and Energy - AEE, USEPA, the da...

By Ivan Račić, Ibrahim Jusufranić, Vuk Bogdanović, Ismira Ahmović

The concept of sustainable development implies a process towards achieving a balance between economic, social and environmental requirements to ensure the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Enviroment is taken for grantes by many people, but the pressure on the limited res...

By Jasmin Jusufranić

Traffic flow regulation with traffic signal is often used in cities to increase the level of service and traffic safety. Despite the fact that traffic signals directly eliminate conflict between vehicles, and also between vehicles and pedestrians, traffic accidents at intersections are very frequent. Analysis of accidents at signalized intersection...

By Vuk Bogdanović, Nenad Ruškić, Zoran Papić, Nemanja Garunović

Public passenger transport (PPT) is an indispensable element of city life meeting the basic need for mobility. In this paper Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used as a method to improve its functioning. This mathematical programming technique is successfully used to quantify the efficiency of companies in the manufacturing and service sector. The...

By Pavle Gladović