In this paper, we present a new concept of offering services in public administration to its users, based on new technological solutions. We suggest using a new concept of intelligent information according to which public administration can offer the user a service at the right time. The service user can now get the service by going to the public administration at a certain time and place. Electronic and mobile service could provide customers with faster access to service or self-service, and the intelligent service we present can provide the right service to each user in real time. Here we present a new concept of intelligent information system that in real time, if effectively implemented, can provide public administration with offering services to its users. This will ensure that service users are less mobile during the pandemic. In this paper, we propose the implementation of data warehouses in public administration as a basic component of an intelligent information system. The data warehouse will contain all the necessary data and information necessary for personalized software agents to provide the necessary service to each user in real time. We will show that the concept of offering the right service, at the right time to a certain user, is based on the concept of electronic, mobile and intelligent public administration (e-Administration), i.e. electronic and mobile services (eServices). The data warehouse will contain all the necessary data and information necessary for personalized software agents to provide the necessary service to each user in real time. We will show that the concept of offering the right service, at the right time to a certain user, is based on the concept of electronic, mobile and intelligent public administration (e-Administration), i.e. electronic and mobile services (e-Services). The data warehouse will contain all the necessary data and information necessary for personalized software agents to provide the necessary service to each user in real time. We will show that the concept of offering the right service, at the right time to a certain user, is based on the concept of electronic, mobile and intelligent public administration (e-Administration), i.e. electronic and mobile services (e-Services
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