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Crisis situations, such as the one caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, are establishing new circumstances in life and activities, to which education is also exposed. These circumstances impose various restrictions related to mobility, inability to travel, inability to work and other barriers. The technological challenges of education come to the fore,...

By Sinan Alispahić, Šezad Hodžić, Ajla Haračić

The Internet of Things, or "IoT" for short, is a modern concept that refers to extending the possibilities of the Internet beyond its natural computer environment to a wide range of other processes and environments. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a special part of the IoT that is continuously gaining in strength and popularity. The Intern...

By Muhamed Ćosić, Nešad Krnjić, Rudolf Petrušić

27.01.2023. Review article

Nikola Tesla is one of the greatest inventors in the field of electrical engineering. Nikola Tesla invented a transformer for creating high-frequency and high-voltage "Tesla currents". Advances in electronics have helped people make Tesla transformers that are widely used in everyday life. Tesla experimented with high frequencies and very high volt...

By Armin Čelarević

27.01.2023. Scientific article

Heat pumps or heat pumps are devices that have the ability to transfer energy. Pumps transfer the energy they take from the outside and transfer it to the inside of buildings, i.e. to places where heating or cooling is needed. The heat pump consists of the following parts: compressor, expansion valve, gas (for example R410) or heat transfer fluid, ...

By Azra Hrustić, Nehad Gaši

27.01.2023. Review article

The European Day of Justice was established on June 5, 2003 by the Council of Europe and the European Commission. The main goal is to bring the citizens closer to the judicial system, so that they know their rights and the means available to them in order to exercise their rights. The main purpose of Justice Day is to educate and inform the general...

By Rajko Kasagić

29.12.2022. Review article

Equitable distribution of income to ensure equality, fairness and productivity are important activities in the economy to avoid an economic crisis. Redistribution of income for the development of poor areas partially affects the productivity of labor in the economy, but it achieves fairness in the economy with the aim of expanding the market. The e...

By Rajko Kasagić

29.12.2022. Professional paper

In order to maintain the established way of life, which implies extensive consumption of the planet's energy resources, the human species threatens the flora and fauna of planet Earth. "Green transition" of the electric power system is based on solving the problem of environmental destruction during the construction and exploitation of power plants...

By Ajla Bajrić

The development of modern society is accompanied by a continuous increase in the need for transportation (transportation), which results in traffic congestion, a lack of parking spaces in stationary traffic in urban areas, and an increase in transportation costs, a decrease in safety, and an increase in harmful effects on the environment. In the pa...

By Almir Ahmetspahić, Damir Lihovac

The quality of service in the traffic and transport system of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina" researched the parameters of the quality of the logistics service and its importance for logistical support in the Armed Forces. What makes this paper special is the fact that new terms have been introduced and new phenomena such as "passage tr...

By Mehmed Konaković

29.12.2022. Professional paper

Law on Enforcement Procedure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 23/03, 52/03, 33/06, 39/06, 39/09, 35/12 and 46/16; and “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, No. 42/18 - Decision of the Constitutional Court; hereinafter: ZIP) prescribes the rules of procedure on t...

By Adis Mehić, Jasmina Tahirović