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Risk is main part of business, and if it is not timely detected and not taken appropriate control activities, risk with its damaging consequences could prevent a successful business. New trends in the exchange of goods, services, money and capital, and the movement of people, get new forms and lose numerous of the existing restrictions. New opportu...

By Lejla Skopljak, Aida Vrbanjac, Adela Mujinović

Data security in computer networks are very actual thematic. Accommodation provided by wireless network causes their spiral expansion. In the other hand easy connection to the medium for transmission of data making this networks much exposed to the attacks. Because of that it is necessary to pay much attention about data security in this networks. ...

By Husnija Bibuljica, Haris Bibuljica

Communication is a complex process between humans and other species. It involves the act of transferring informations, ideas, opinions, and other facilities through signals and signs (speech, language signs, symbols, etc.). Verbal communication includes written and oral communication. Exact methods in the study of language and text, and an interdis...

By Ines Babić, Selma Otuzbir, Irma Hodžić

The source of capital is one of the most important segments of a joint-stock company as a company of capital, considering that the joint-stock company acquires its business assets in the manner of issuing of shares. One of the positive elements of security, or stability of this type of business organization, would include the ownership of realties ...

By Jasmina Tahirović, Irma Hodžić

In this paper the authors discuss the essential aspects of establishing material responsibility and conducting the pecuniary damage caused by terrorist acts. This paper is trying to clarify the specific point of view of its international legal peculiarities by taking into account that this matter is not deepened in the scientific and professional l...

By Siniša Bilić, Safet Subašić, Vedrana Macanović

Corporate security in the business of the company requires a number of conditions that profit company must fulfill. In the first instance it must be a good organization of the company as an organizational form according the market conditions and internal organization of work so that each profit entity has sufficient independence in decision-making ...

By Alisa Salkić, Rajko Kasagić

The purpose of this paper is to point out the importance of the impact of new technologies on protection and road safety. The use of certain technological solutions in practice has many advantages, but also shows a number of problems and phenomena that negatively reflect on the protection and safety in road traffic. The consequences of the applicat...

By Sinan Alispahić, Tihomir Đurić, Hata Mušinović, Irfan Zec

01.12.2017. Review article

Safety Information System includes actions, measures and procedures in order to protect data and information system from unforeseen events with undesirable consequences. In this direction is the increasing need for disabling any accidental or deliberate distortions and prevent the functions of computer systems. We should also create the necessary c...

By Almedina Hatarić, Imran Kasumović

With the introduction of corporate liability in criminal law, the same rank in a significant number of countries in which the law provides for liability of legal persons in accordance with a number of documents of the Council of Europe, European Union, United Nations. Since the state is possible to introduce liability for legal persons, the require...

By Selma Otuzbir

The eBusiness has become an important tool in doing business that gives a competitive advantage in the European and global markets. Prerequisites for the successful implementation of eBusiness are resolved legal regulations and interoperability, clearly defined business processes, regulated master data and flexible information system capable of rap...

By Maida Bećirović, Azra Bećirović