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The natural finds herself under the influence of energy of destructive power, old and dirty technology, uncontroling traffic, runs in the armament, war, sabotage-terroristic activities and other influences, which disrupts the balance natures and endanger the living environment.Today, the damage done to the environment, results in negative impact on...

By Marko Carić, Jasmin Jusufranić, Rade Biočanin

This work deals with sustainable development of tourism issues, with special focus on the perspectives of further growth and development of Montenegrin tourism. Aim of this work is to emphasize the fact that tourism destination management must be focused on achieving qualitative development goals instead on quantitative growth, as was the case unti...

By Dr Dragan Bulatović

World and domestic literature and entrepreneurial practice on the pedestal of key factors of business success they put business ethics, social responsibility, environmental protection and sustainable development which today are mutual permeate and ultimately determine all activities of business and social entities and influence the entire natural a...

By Nikola Kuvačić, Zenaida Varupa

The European integration is essential trends of the transition countries of Southeast Europe, while EU members from this region tend to within that group solve their current contradictions. Despite the significant natural resources of all countries in the region have a number of current economic and broader social problems that hinder their interna...

By Slobodan Nešković

Health, spa, and recreational tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina are mentioned in ancient times, although at that time we can not talk about tourism in the modern sense. At the time of the ancient Romans they are mainly used as thermal and mineral spring water for refreshment and healing of warriors. Bosnia and Herzegovina has 16 spas and climatic h...

By Mladen M. Bodiroža, Ljubiša Ćerketa

The role of public passengers transport is in permanent change in accordance with the requirements of service users, local and global community. Awareness of environmentally acceptable and sustainable transportation is an obligation, responsibility and duty of the local city government. As such it is clearly imposes a modern, well-organized and env...

By Pavle Gladović, Vladimir Popović

The public city passenger transport system in Sarajevo Canton is organized as a Classical Organization Model, with one monopolised public company comprising out of four subsystems: trams, trolleybuses, buses and minibuses. There is an obvious dissatisfaction of all involved in the system, primarily of the passengers, i.e. the users, and then of the...

By Danislav Drašković, Pavle Gladović

Road safety and the prevention of road accidents are very complex area. It is important to know the causes of accidents, ways to improve safety and ways of their impact on traffic participants to help in this field and achieve the satisfactory results. The increase in the number of motor vehicles and the relatively low level of growth of modern roa...

By Ibrahim Jusufranić, Lejla Varupa, Jasna Kuljanović

01.06.2013. Review article


By Ibrahim Jusufranić

Cestovna infrastruktura predstavlja bitan uticajni faktor u procesu eksploatacije na životnu sredinu a time i okolinu. To se manifestuje kroz vrednovanje interaktivne veze mogućih konfliktnih situacija ukoliko nisu poduzete opsežne mjere tzv. Upravljanje projektom. Dakle, potrebno je uspostaviti, u graditeljskom smislu, optimum mjera predo trožnost...

By Rašid Hadžić, Žanesa Ljevo, Mirza Pozder